Veterinary Diagnostics

Veterinary Diagnostics

This product group implies a comprehensive range of immunoassays for the determination of various parameters for veterinary diagnostics. Our portfolio includes immunoassays for analytes of different animals like rat, mouse, dog, cat, cattle, horse and some others. Here we offer many species-specific test kits of which some are unique worldwide. These are often used by CROs and in pharmaceutical studies.

Moreover for determination of steroids in animals also our human test-kits can be used since the structure of steroid hormones is the same in all species. It would be recommended performing an extraction step of the samples prior to the assay in order to avoid any influences caused by the different matrix. To avoid this additional step alternatively steroid measurement of the free steroid fraction is possible by using salivary samples. Usually it is not difficult to get saliva samples from various animals which can be used directly in our saliva assays.


Leaflet Veterinary 220226.pdf
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